Nicotine Gums? Quit Smoking?

What are Nicotine Gums?

Nicotine gums are one of the best forms of smoking replacements designed to help you in your journey to quit smoking.

Why Nicotine Gums?

1. To start it off, each gum contains just the right amount of nicotine so that you can satisfy your cravings and not have any noticeable symptoms.

2. Furthermore, nicotine gums do not contain any harmful toxins like tar and carbon monoxide making them a safer alternative for managing cravings.

3. Not to mention, after taking nicotine gums for around 8-12 weeks, you will be noticeably much happier and healthier in terms of lifestyle. 

How does Nicotine Gums Work?

1. Start by going to your nearest drugstore, and choose the right strength of nicotine gum for you. If you smoke a lot, you are recommended to choose the 4mg, however if you smoke a little, choose the 2mg. 

2. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, start chewing one piece of nicotine gum slowly until you notice a slight tingling sensation or peppery taste in your mouth. This usually takes about 10-15 chews.

3. Park the gum: Once you feel the tingling sensation, "park" the gum between your cheek gum. This allows the nicotine to be absorbed through the lining of your mouth. Avoid chewing the gum continuously or swallowing saliva to maximize nicotine absorption.

4. Wait for the tingling sensation to fade: Hold the gum in place for about 30 minutes or until the tingling sensation fades. This indicates that the nicotine has been absorbed.

5. Spit out the gum: After 30 minutes or when the tingling sensation fades, spit out the gum. Do not swallow it, as this can lead to an upset stomach.

6. Repeat as needed: Throughout the day, use nicotine gum as needed to manage cravings. However, limit yourself to a certain number of gums per day as directed by the product instructions to avoid nicotine overdose.

7. Gradually reduce gum use: Over time, gradually reduce the number of gums you chew each day to taper off nicotine dependence. 

Yay you quit Smoking!