Explore how indigenous communities are raising awareness and driving change on land, water, and economic issues!
Additional Questions
- Lessons from Indigenous Peoples on climate change (Interview) - Jocelyn Joe-Strack
Rosano, Michela. “Interview: Lessons from Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change.” Canadian Geographic, Canadian Geographic, 8 Feb. 2019, canadiangeographic.ca/articles/interview-lessons-from-indigenous-peoples-on-climate-change/.
- "It is in our blood to protect this land" (Art work) - Ocean Hyland
Greenpeace Canada. (1970, July 4). These 7 indigenous artists’ designs flew in the path of tar sands tanker traffic.
- "Tree of Life" (Art work) - James Jacko
“Tree of life” by James Jacko - Anishinaabe: Native canadian arts.
DaVic Gallery of Native Canadian Arts. (2022, April 24). https://nativecanadianarts.com/gallery/tree-life-jjacko/
- Peace in duress (Poem) - Janet Rogers
Rogers, Janet Marie. Peace in Duress. Talonbooks, 2014.
- "Protect our Land" (Song) - Tsleil-Waututh Nation siʔáḿθɘt School Students
Brondgeest, C. (2022, December 14). “Protect our land” song and video by Tsleil-Waututh Nation siʔáḿθɘt school students. Tsleil-Waututh Nation. https://twnation.ca/protect-our-land-song-and-video-by-tsleil-waututh-nation-si%CA%94a%E1%B8%BF%CE%B8%C9%98t-school-students/
- "Our Earth our Land" (Song) - Aboriginal Communities
Our earth our land - rapping for a healthy environment. Our Earth Our Land - Rapping for a healthy environment - Local Land Services. (n.d.). https://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/regions/central-tablelands/articles-and-publications/corporate-app/cultural-heritage-videos/aboriginal-communities-earth-land
- "Take back the Earth" - John Trudell
CBC/Radio Canada. (2019, March 19). A brief evolution of indigenous protest music | CBC music read. CBCnews.
- Water is life (art work) - Christi Belcourt
- Keep it in the ground (article) - Sakihitowin Awasis
Awasis, Sakihitowin, et al. “Keep It in the Ground!” Canadian Art, 7 Aug. 2017, canadianart.ca/features/keep-it-in-the-ground/
- Water Spirits (art work) - Jackie Traverse
“‘water Spirits’ by Jackie Traverse - Anishinaabe: Native Canadian Arts.” DaVic Gallery of Native Canadian Arts, 16 Mar. 2022, nativecanadianarts.com/gallery/water-spirits/.
- Unceded Territories (Art Work) - Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun
“Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun Unceded Territories.” Museum of Anthropology at UBC, 12 Nov. 2020, moa.ubc.ca/exhibition/lawrence-paul/.
- Nibi’s Water Song (Nibi a soif, très soif) (Book) - Sunshine Tenasco
Tenasco, Sunshine, et al. Nibi a Soif, Très Soif. Éditions Scholastic, 2019.
- "Encircle the tree" - (Art work) Lindsay Brant and Colson Brumwell
- "It is what it is" (Art work) - Michael Cywink
- "Intergenerational Healing" (Art work) - Christarr Simile
- “The Healing Power of Art: Indigenous Artists Bring to Life Indigenous Healthcare Education Resource.” Faculty of Health Sciences | Queen’s University, healthsci.queensu.ca/stories/feature/healing-power-art-indigenous-artists-bring-life-indigenous-healthcare-education.
“Earth Medicine: A Poem from Indian Countrylois Red Elk, an Elder at Fort Peck, Worries about Friends in Her Community as Covid Bears down. Right Now, Generations Are Coming Together in Healing Prayersby Lois Red Elk-Reed.” Mountain Journal, mountainjournal.org/a-poem-for-elders-in-indian-country-dealing-with-covid.
“N’we Jinan Artists - ‘We Are Strong’ // Fishing Lake Metis Settlement.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 Apr. 2022, www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iIFC2QS-yc.